Category: Sharding

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

Implement Foreign Scan With FDW Interface API

1. Introduction Recently I have been tasked to familiarize myself with the Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) interface API to build a new FDW capable of doing vertical / columnar sharding, meaning that the FDW is capable of collecting column information from multiple sources and combine them together as a result query. I will document and…
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Horizontal Scalability Options in PostgreSQL

So for one reason or another you have decided that you need horizontal scalability and you need to achieve it with PostgreSQL as your database. So what options do you have? The PostgreSQL database supports vertical scalability and can run on bigger and faster machines to increase the performance. But when it comes to horizontal…
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Horizontal scalability with Sharding in PostgreSQL – Where it is going Part 3 of 3.

Built-in Sharding Architecture The build-in sharding feature in PostgreSQL is using the FDW based approach, the FDW’s are based on sql/med specification that defines how an external data source can be accessed from the PostgreSQL server. PostgreSQL provides number of foreign data wrapper (FDW’s) that are used for accessing external data sources, the postgres_fdw is…
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Horizontal scalability with Sharding in PostgreSQL – Where it is going Part 2 of 3.

Declarative Partitioning So far we have discussed scalability, what is scalability, why and when you need and what are the different types of scalability. Now we are starting to get into the meat of this topic and will discuss declarative partitioning and sharding in PostgreSQL. The sharding functionality is being laid on top of declarative partitioning…
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Horizontal scalability with Sharding in PostgreSQL – Where it is going Part 1 of 3

I recently had the opportunity of taking part in couple of interesting talks on the future of sharding in PostgreSQL. The first talk was delivered by Bruce Momjain in PostgreSQL conf Ottawa (May 2019) in which he presented the future of Sharding in PostgreSQL and talked about current state and future of built-in sharding in…
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