Category: pgpool

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

Tuning the Pgpool-II Load balancer

Load balancing increases the system throughput from the application standpoint by distributing the read load from application to multiple replicated database nodes. Some time ago, I wrote a blog discussing effectiveness of Pgpool-II load balancer in different scenarios. Pgpool-II provides one of the best user-friendly load balancers for PostgreSQL that does not require any modification…
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Configuring Pgpool-II watchdog: It’s going to be a lot easier

Watchdog is the high availability component of Pgpool-II. Over the past few releases watchdog has gotten a lot of attention from the Pgpool-II developer community and received lots of upgrades and stability improvements. One of the not very strong areas of pgpool-II watchdog is its configuration interface. Watchdog cluster requires quite a few config settings…
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pgpool II 4.2 features

The pgpool II community is gearing up to release the Alpha version of its next major release; pgpool II 4.2. It is going to be another exciting release of pgpool II that is a middleware product and provides mission critical functionality like load balancing, high availability, connection pooling etc for PostgreSQL server. We have written…
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Consensus based failover with Pgpool-II

Pgpool-II probably is the most comprehensive clustering solution existing today for PostgreSQL. It provides a wide range of features like connection pooling, load balancing, automatic failover and high availability while using the Pgpool-II for load balancing and building a highly available PostgreSQL cluster is one of its most common use case. Since Pgpool-II is a…
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Authenticating pgpool II with LDAP

Overview It has been a while since I have written about the new features in a major pgpool II release. Well pgpool II 4.2 is in the works and the plan is to release it towards the end of this year. As usual every major release of pgpool II is compatible with the parser of…
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Setting up SSL certificate authentication with Pgpool-II

Version 4.0 of Pgpool-II added some very exciting security and authentication features to make it more relevant and useful for enterprise environments. It adds support for providing encrypted passwords in pool_passwd and configuration files and lets the administrators chose different authentication methods to be used for the Client<–>Pgpool-II and Pgpool-II<–>PostgreSQL authentications.The two new authentication methods added in…
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Horizontal scalability with Sharding in PostgreSQL – Where it is going Part 1 of 3

I recently had the opportunity of taking part in couple of interesting talks on the future of sharding in PostgreSQL. The first talk was delivered by Bruce Momjain in PostgreSQL conf Ottawa (May 2019) in which he presented the future of Sharding in PostgreSQL and talked about current state and future of built-in sharding in…
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Pgpool II 4.1 taking the bull by its horn

I will start with providing some explanation for the blog title before i dive into the blog itself. The title of this blog is that “Pgpool II 4.1 taking the bull by its horn”, the “bull” in this case is Pgpool II performance and “taking it by its horn” means that 4.1 is performance release…
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