Category: performance

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

Tuning the Pgpool-II Load balancer

Load balancing increases the system throughput from the application standpoint by distributing the read load from application to multiple replicated database nodes. Some time ago, I wrote a blog discussing effectiveness of Pgpool-II load balancer in different scenarios. Pgpool-II provides one of the best user-friendly load balancers for PostgreSQL that does not require any modification…
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Horizontal Scalability Options in PostgreSQL

So for one reason or another you have decided that you need horizontal scalability and you need to achieve it with PostgreSQL as your database. So what options do you have? The PostgreSQL database supports vertical scalability and can run on bigger and faster machines to increase the performance. But when it comes to horizontal…
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Troubleshooting Performance Issues Due to Disk and RAM

Troubleshooting Performance Issues Due to Disk and RAM

Quite a few managers or clients expect DBAs to type away a few commands to fix a sluggish PostgreSQL instance. If only things were that simple. Unfortunately, debugging a sluggish instance that was previously running optimally requires analysis at many levels. In this blog, I will attempt to help that debugging process on Linux by…
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