Author: David Zhang

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

David Zhang

A software developer specialized in C/C++ programming with experience in hardware, firmware, software, database, network, and system architecture. Now, working in HighGo Software Inc, as a senior PostgreSQL architect.

1. Overview I recently investigated one internal issue which was related with snapshot and found there were some changes on transaction id and snapshot information functions in PostgreSQL. Here, I am trying to share what I have learned. Before PostgreSQL

1. Overview In my previous blog posts, I explained how the amazing buffer tag works in PostgreSQL and how to set up a shared storage using the Lustre network file system. In this blog, I will explain the storage interface

1. Overview I was working on the PostgreSQL storage related features recently, and I found PostgreSQL has designed an amazing storage addressing mechanism, i.e. Buffer Tag. In this blog, I want to share with you my understanding about the Buffer

1. Overview When verifying PostgreSQL patches on MacOS, I couldn’t find a straightforward blog to follow for setting up the environment quickly. This blog aims to document the steps I took to set up a PostgreSQL development environment on MacOS

1. Overview Ceph is an open-source software-defined storage platform that implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster and provides 3-in-1 interfaces for object, block, and file-level storage. A Ceph Storage Cluster is a collection of Ceph Monitors, Ceph

1. Overview In my previous blog, I discussed how to enhance PostgreSQL TLS security with OCSP Stapling. In this blog, I will share a simple procedure for setting up a gdb debugging environment to dive into TLS connections and gain

1. Overview “Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.” This is the highlight of PostgreSQL in a sentence from Wikipedia. Yes, the extensibility of PostgreSQL is extremely useful when you have

1. Overview In previous two blogs, we explained how to setup Kerberos, and how to configure PostgreSQL to support GSSAPI user authentication. This blog will be focusing on how to check GSSAPI authentication, encryption and user principal information when given

1. Overview In previous blog, we have setup Kerberos, added all required principals and verified each principal. This blog will explain all the necessary configuration, i.e. postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf, in PostgreSQL for user authentication using GSSAPI with Kerberos. 2. Build PostgreSQL with GSSAPI The

1. Overview PostgreSQL supports many secure ways to authenticate users, and one typical way is to use GSSAPI with Kerberos. However, when I was trying to investigate one issue which is related with GSSAPI in PostgreSQL, I couldn’t find a

1. Overview PostgreSQL is one of the greatest open source databases, not only because of the extensibility and SQL compliance but also the evolution of new features. For example, in postgres_fdw, there is a new feature parallel commit has been

1. Overview PostgreSQL is a great open source project for many reasons. One of the reasons I like it is because of the design of buffer blocks addressing. In this blog, I am going to explain a possible way to