Author: Asif Rehman

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

Asif Rehman

Asif Rehman is a Senior Software Engineer at HighGo Software. He Joined EnterpriseDB, an Enterprise PostgreSQL’s company in 2005 and started his career in open source development particularly in PostgreSQL. Asif's contributions range from developing in-house features relating to oracle compatibility, to developing tools around PostgreSQL. He Joined HighGo Software in the month of Sep 2018.

The MERGE statement is one of the long awaited features and it’s coming in the upcoming Major version of PostgreSQL 15. Although the PostgreSQL 15 release is quite a distance away, the MERGE statement patch has been committed to the

Finding relevant information quickly speeds up performance. For example, while reading a book in which you have to find a topic that you would like to read, if you know that it is in a certain chapter then you will

WAL is short for Write-Ahead-Log. Any change to the data is first recorded in a WAL file. The WAL files are mainly used by RDBMS as a way to achieve durability and consistency while writing data to storage systems. Before

In a database production environment, a backup plays quite an essential role. The database server can fail for a number of reasons. It can happen because of hardware failure, software malfunction or just because of user error. Whatever the reason,

Bloating in database is created when tables or indexes are updated, an update is essentially a delete and insert operation. The diskspace used by the delete is available for reuse but it is not reclaimed hence creating the bloat. Same

So for one reason or another you have decided that you need horizontal scalability and you need to achieve it with PostgreSQL as your database. So what options do you have? The PostgreSQL database supports vertical scalability and can run

PostgreSQL database writes all changes happening in the database to a log file before it writes them to the actual data files. These log files are called WAL (Write-Ahead Log). Until these changes are flushed to the disk, they are

Replication is a critical part of any database system that aims to provide high availability (HA) and effective disaster recovery (DR) strategy. This blog is aimed at establishing the role of replication in a database system. The blog will give a