Month: September 2020

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

The pgpool II community is gearing up to release the Alpha version of its next major release; pgpool II 4.2. It is going to be another exciting release of pgpool II that is a middleware product and provides mission critical functionality like load balancing, high availability, connection pooling etc for

The PostgreSQL community is anxiously waiting for an exciting online PostgreSQL conference taking place in November 2020. It would be a unique opportunity as PostgreConf.CN and PGCONF.Asia will be merged in order to provide wide range of topics covering various aspect of PostgreSQL ranging from Administration, Performance tuning, Hacking PostgreSQL,

1. Introduction This blog is to follow up on the post I published back in July, 2020 about achieving an in-memory table storage using PostgreSQL’s pluggable storage API. In the past few months, my team and I have made some progress and did a few POC patches to prove some

PostgreSQL will create some catalog and other caches for each connection request to store some queried data locally, which can speed up query efficiency. If a process undergoes a DDL operation that causes catalog to change, other running processes need to be notified that some cache data is invalid. We

In a database production environment, a backup plays quite an essential role. The database server can fail for a number of reasons. It can happen because of hardware failure, software malfunction or just because of user error. Whatever the reason, when a live database goes down, a backup is essential