Month: March 2020

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

1. Overview In previous two blogs, we explained how to setup Kerberos, and how to configure PostgreSQL to support GSSAPI user authentication. This blog will be focusing on how to check GSSAPI authentication, encryption and user principal information when given different connection options. 2. pg_stat_gssapi view According to the official PostgreSQL

This is the second part of the topic, the more historical version is described in the previous part, and here is the vitality of wal in PostgreSQL which born replication、logical replication and more performance related configure, let’s continue to redo it. 1. Replication(V9.0) Replication is implemented here, and many corresponding

WAL is one of the most important parts of PostgreSQL., WAL records all the database activity. Hense we can regard wal as a change roadmap of the history of PostgreSQL database, and the crash recovery, logical replication etc aren’t possible without WAL. The following picture describes the various wal related

1. Overview In previous blog, we have setup Kerberos, added all required principals and verified each principal. This blog will explain all the necessary configuration, i.e. postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf, in PostgreSQL for user authentication using GSSAPI with Kerberos. 2. Build PostgreSQL with GSSAPI The official PostgreSQL release for Ubuntu has GSSAPI enabled for user authentication with

This is my first blog in a series of SQL optimization blogs. So expect some basic information in here along with some nice insights. My aim is to help you walk through a complete process of understanding and optimizing queries for improved performance. A PostgreSQL server attempts to find the

1. Introduction PostgreSQL and MongoDB are two popular open source relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases available today. Both are maintained by groups of very experienced development teams globally and are widely used in many popular industries for adminitration and analytical purposes. MongoDB is a NoSQL Document-oriented Database which stores

There is a lot of interest and discussions lately in the PostgreSQL world to make it a scale-out solution. Among other possible solutions, one of the most promising ones is to implement the sharding using FDW and table partitioning for distributing the data on multiple servers. As of now, PostgreSQL

1. Overview PostgreSQL supports many secure ways to authenticate users, and one typical way is to use GSSAPI with Kerberos. However, when I was trying to investigate one issue which is related with GSSAPI in PostgreSQL, I couldn’t find a tutorial that I can follow to setup the environment easily.

Back in August 2019, I wrote multiple blogs with the title of “Horizontal scalability with Sharding in PostgreSQL – Where it is going Part 1 .. 3”. Little has happened since then, the purpose of this blog is discuss the important missing pieces of the puzzle, what are the minimum