Day: August 22, 2019

Enterprise PostgreSQL Solutions

After introducing the difference between the AES modes, in this document, I will put the results about the AES modes performance. The following tests just use one core CPU. AES-NI:The Advanced Encryption Standard Instruction Set (or Intel Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions, AES-NI for short) is an extension of the

PostgreSQL Community is working on adding built-in sharding in Postgres and it seems that the community is following the FDW based sharding approach for adding built-in sharding for PG. The Parallel Foreign Scan is a very important part of this approach as it will provide the functionality of executing multiple

Logical Replication appeared in Postgres10, it came along with number of keywords like ‘logical decoding’, ‘pglogical’, ‘wal2json’, ‘BDR’ etc. These words puzzle me so much so I decided to start the blog with explaining these terms and describing the relationships between them. I will also mention a new idea for